One of the key attributes of leadership is the ability – and willingness – to anticipate the future and to prepare accordingly.
This came to mind in bold relief early this week while watching a story on television of a family that was in serious trouble because they were cut off from others by Hurricane Sandy - and they were unprepared to survive on their own. They were in serious trouble as the first responders arrived to rescue them. It was a close call.
And it didn’t need to be a close call. Natural disasters happen. The Federal government has asked every citizen to be prepared for at least three days to survive on their own, without assistance. That request had been ignored.
As a matter of conscience (let alone practical leadership), it seems only appropriate to reflect as leaders on the question of our own preparation.
Because the days ahead will no doubt include natural disasters with impacts that are similar to what we are seeing on our televisions this week. We should simply face this fact and its eventuality – and be prepared.
Here are several links that we can use to learn how to prepare ourselves and those we influence:
Anticipate: Seeing Ahead in Order to Be Prepared.
This week our television screens are filled with reminders. Now is the time to get prepared. Without delay. After all, stuff happens. I’ve seen the bumper sticker - have you?