Still Listening...

Wed, 2014-04-23 10:26 -- tomjonez


As mentioned last week, I have received an unusually high response from readers during the last several weeks’ Leadership Notes regarding the topic, “listening.” As a result of the interest and ongoing discussions, this week I am providing a sample of the feedback and the insights each affirms.  Each of the comments are edited for length.

Feedback regarding the power of listening based on my observations while serving at the Oso Mudslide:

95% of … counseling is just showing up.  So too, in many ways, it seems with genuine 'leadership.' - Todd

I'm a fan of the open-ended questions because yes or no isn't enough. Your #6, "Seek to periodically repeat back..." hit my soft spot. It is really easy to answer an imaginary question! Plus, when repeating the question the other person often clarifies and adds to their original statement / question. Leadership is getting most of it right more often than not. A moving target. - John

I am writing from Kiev, Ukraine, where I have been doing a lot of listening both here and this past week in Moscow.  Your words on listening were most helpful.  The scenario is a bit different here, but the tragedy is similar--108 lives lost at the Maidan as young Ukrainians resisted the army of President Yanukovych.  I walked the Maidan last night--barricades still there, flowers and pictures of those killed everywhere, still dozens of large tents with hundreds still living there until the new elections are complete.  Meeting with… [People]… in Moscow and now here in Kiev the past week has been an amazing experience of listening… - Gil

Feedback regarding the value of business leaders listening to our customers:

…I've found that it is unusual for enterprises to actually listen to their clients. Oh, many solicit these comments but I have found that little attention is paid. I can easily imagine how this would benefit a provider. I like the "course correction" analogy. It sure should be! Your suggestion to listening to critics is spot-on. I have always found truth- though it usually hurts! in what is said... not that I deserved any of it...! – John

These comments, and a number of others not included in this summary, help to further clarify and affirm the inherent value of leaders staying in touch with – and listening to – those they serve.

What insights have you gleaned from your own experience?