Last Thursday & Friday I had the privilege of visiting with a number of the US military’s “wounded warriors” at Ft Campbell, Kentucky where we were filming a documentary for the USO and Stronger Families.
Leadership comes in many forms and exists in many roles. I would bet that one of the most courageous acts of leadership exists in the lives of combat veterans who are wounded while on active duty, and then return to their home with their entire world up-ended. They now must find their way through the injury, the pain, and the rehabilitation process as they transit numerous obstacles seeking to find a new path in life. Seemingly immovable challenges are met by the unrelenting determination of these courageous men and women.
Leading. Through difficulties I can’t even imagine. Yes these men and women are wounded; and yes, they may be down. But they certainly are not out. Words fail to adequately describe that form of personal leadership.
It was a humbling experience to interact with these brave young leaders. I am forever indebted to them – more precisely, WE are indebted to them - for their selfless service to our Country.
May the Lord bless them, one and all.