tomjonez's blog

What Phase Are You In?

Tue, 2015-04-14 08:36 -- tomjonez


Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch

There are two very lucid and yet simple points articulated by the former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch (quoted and pictured above).  The first is the purpose of learning; the second is who can benefit from what we have learned.

OK...I'll answer the Question

Tue, 2015-04-07 20:00 -- tomjonez


Recently I was asked about the origin and meaning of the name of this consultancy: Plumbline Management.  While I have rarely utilized this weekly email to focus on my own company, it seems that the answer to this question bears addressing.

So…what is a Plumbline, and why is the company named Plumbline Management? Great question.

No Foolishness

Wed, 2015-04-01 08:54 -- tomjonez


Jim Elliot was one of five people who died during in an attempt to care for the Huaorani people of Ecuador.

His life, and this quote from his personal journal written on October 28, 1949, have inspired countless numbers of people to dedicate their lives to reaching out to care for others all over the world.

Far from foolishness; it’s called true leadership.

The “Sticky Note” Approach to Goal Setting - Guest Blog

Sun, 2015-03-22 20:56 -- tomjonez


For several weeks we have been exploring a number of approaches to time management to enhance our efficiency in the area of personal productivity.

As is so often the case, when I am tuned in to a topic I begin to "see it everywhere" in the content and ideas of others. And so it was again this week.  I read an article by my friend and successful business leader Dennis Trittin earlier this week ... and so I thought it would be good to share his insights with my own readers.

Dennis says it this way:

Yes or No

Tue, 2015-02-24 02:46 -- tomjonez


I have recently been in a number of conversations with people who have told me that they feel overwhelmed; they articulate that they have “too many things on their plate.”  In speaking with these friends, it is as if they feel that they are caught in a vortex of tasks and relationship demands…and the demands have become endless.

The question that has come to mind is this, “What happened to the word ‘No’”?

Unplugged – and Better for It

Tue, 2015-02-10 16:12 -- tomjonez


Recently I spent a couple days away with family in a location where we had limited cell phone and internet connections.  In fact, much of the time there was no wireless connectivity at all.

And that was an experience that reminded me just how “addicted” I have become to continuously checking my phone and internet communication tools.  At first I was checking my smart phone every few minutes; after a while the frequency shifted to every few hours, and eventually, I sort of just gave up glancing at my phone at all.  It was instructive.


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