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One of the Hardest Things About Leadership...Part 8

Sat, 2018-01-27 15:39 -- tomjonez


Over the past number of weeks, I have commented that one of the hardest things to do is to lead the people we serve.  Many authors have devised simple “marketing” approaches that I believe have more to do with their promotional appeal than with the real world of leadership.  Yet as we all realize, in actual practice leadership is not that simple; quick-fix proposals don’t fit into the demands of real-life experience.

One of the Hardest Things About Leadership...Part 7

Wed, 2018-01-03 06:46 -- tomjonez


In previous weeks, I have commented that one of the hardest things to do is to lead the people we serve.  Many authors have devised “simple” approaches that I believe have more to do with their promotional appeal than with the real world of leadership.  By contrast, in actual practice, we quickly realize that providing direction does not prove quite so simple; quick-fix proposals don’t fit into the demands of real-life experience.

One of the Hardest Things About Leadership...Part 6

Wed, 2017-12-13 10:37 -- tomjonez


Through previous Blogs, I have explored the assertion that one of the hardest things to do is to lead the people we serve.  Many “lists” of purported “easy” strategies appear regularly online.  Yet we quickly realize that actual leadership does not prove that easy; quick fix approaches don’t fit into the rubric of real leadership experience.

One of the Hardest Things About Leadership...Part 2

Wed, 2017-10-25 11:49 -- tomjonez


In my last Blog I reflected on the thought that when it comes to leading people, one of the hardest things to do is: to lead the people (read here).

And even though I affirmed that there are no “simple” answers, I committed to reviewing several principles that are transferable to any number of leadership environments:

One of the Hardest Things About Leadership

Tue, 2017-10-10 19:01 -- tomjonez


When it comes to leading people, one of the hardest things to do is, well, to lead people. 

There are no simple “quick-fix” answers, despite the many “how I did it books in five easy steps” as well as my own brief weekly blogs on leadership that have accumulated over the past 5 years.

With that admission, I have been thinking about a few simple core leadership principles that can be utilized as a starting point in leading an individual team member – principles that can also be extended person-by-person to each member of the team.

National Preparedness Month - Part 2

Thu, 2017-09-21 09:12 -- tomjonez


Because September was “National Preparedness Month” in the United States I am encouraging readers to set aside time to plan for emergencies that - hopefully – will never happen where we live.

Last week I listed the first 5 of the 10 questions that, when answered, will assess ones’ level of personal preparedness for an emergency or natural disaster. The idea is to develop a personal “score” that can then be converted into a “to-do” list to improve our level of personal readiness.


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