tomjonez's blog

A Timely Reminder

Tue, 2017-04-18 10:44 -- tomjonez


Several weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of confronting issues as they arise (click here to review). The importance of this leadership principle was reinforced yesterday during a conversation with a friend when he described a situation where a leader failed to confront (“to face”) an issue in a timely manner.

Compassion and Leadership - Part 2

Tue, 2017-03-21 18:26 -- tomjonez


Last week I discussed that I have observed the value – and the danger – of compassion as a hallmark of those who lead. I began by defining compassion and indicated we would explore the virtues and the risks of compassion-centered management as a primary stimulus in leadership decision-making (click to read).

This week, I part two, we look at the value of compassion in leadership.

Compassion and Leadership - Part 1

Tue, 2017-03-14 21:35 -- tomjonez


One of the things I have observed is the value – and the danger – of compassion as a hallmark of those who lead. 

This week I introduce the topic by defining compassion.  Over the next couple of weeks I will look at the virtues and the risks of compassion-centered management as a primary stimulus in leadership decision-making.

So…what is compassion?  A definition from a web-based dictionary states the following:

Compassion: [kuh m-pash-uh n] : noun

Courage in Leadership - to Feel Better...or, to Get Better?

Wed, 2017-03-01 11:47 -- tomjonez


In the ongoing discussion of decision-making in leadership, last week I discussed how we simply must make the best decision we can - based on the situation and the facts available to us - and then go forward to the next decision point we will face (click here to read). In two words, sometimes we must, “Just Decide.”

Just Decide...

Wed, 2017-02-22 11:19 -- tomjonez


This morning I met with three people who each provide leadership in a very high-risk profession.  Their decisions are often simply routine; at other more critical junctures their decisions can be life or death and require almost instantaneous judgment calls. We’re talking high-stress.  Really high.

“The Fear of Man”

Wed, 2017-02-01 11:33 -- tomjonez


As we continue exploring the topic of Courage in Leadership, the air-pressure that often opposes those who lead is important to identify.

One such pressure is the fear of what others will think, what they might say, or how they could act if we truly lead consistent with the mission, our conscience, and how the circumstances would require us to lead.


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