tomjonez's blog

Courage in Leadership - Request for Your Insight

Wed, 2017-01-18 11:37 -- tomjonez


You may notice a new "look" to this blog.  I have changed the header from "Leadership Notes" to the title above, "Courage to Lead."

As mentioned last week, it seems to me that the current environment for those in leadership is not getting any easier. Therefore, I will be exploring in more depth several aspects of leadership that flow out of the requisite of Courage in senior roles of influence.

The Courage to Lead

Wed, 2017-01-04 10:36 -- tomjonez


It seems like the current environment for those in leadership is not getting any easier.

As a result, decision-making, strategy, personnel issues, and other factors leaders face each day are stacked with increasing challenges.

The result is that it takes courage to lead.

Yes, it always has – and yet in our present climate, courage is not a preferred commodity; it is a required characteristic of those who intend to lead – and lead well.

The Courage to Lead

Wed, 2016-12-14 05:47 -- tomjonez


OK - It's been a crazy busy week so this will be short.  I may expand on it later.  For now, just one thought regarding leadership...

Even though it has been true in times past, we now live in particularly complex times. The world around us is not getting simpler ... the challenges are significant for those in leadership.

Thus, I would submit for consideration by those in our day who agree to positions of responsibility, the following singular proposition:

It takes courage to lead.

Now, more than ever.

The faint of heart need not apply.

Facing the Issue...

Wed, 2016-10-19 15:09 -- tomjonez


Often...the biggest challenges - are the challenges that we face.

Whether is a financial matter, a difficult relationship, an unruly board member or, if we supervise people, a difficult employee.

The challenge is the same:  the issue or the person must be confronted.

While studying for a graduate entrance exam I was reviewing word definitions.  The preparation material compared words that sounded similar but had different meanings.  I will never forget one of those comparisons that read as follows:

True Leaders...

Wed, 2016-10-19 15:04 -- tomjonez


Leadership is not about the position we hold, the title we have, or our place in the line-up.

Leadership is more about our influence, our effectiveness, our sway.

We are all influencing - leading - others.

By our action, by our inaction.

By our words.  By our silence.

The real question is not, "Am I a leader?"  The real question is, "What is the quality of my leadership, my influence, on others?"

We are all leaders in one capacity or other.

We are all influencers.

Either for good.

Or not.

The Key to Market Leadership

Wed, 2016-10-19 15:03 -- tomjonez


Strong Relationships

Far too often when it comes to providing a product or service we place our primary focus on the product or service.

However, People buy products from people and receive service from people.

Even if it is a quick or simple interaction, the way that we are treated when we are a customer often makes or breaks the decision regarding whether we will ever return for more (products or services).

The same is true when we provide products or service to others.

How do we treat them?  Do they sense we care?

Crucial Questions to Ask Attorneys Before We Hire Them

Wed, 2016-10-19 15:01 -- tomjonez


Last week I discussed the value of seeking wise counsel from a qualified attorney whenever we are confronted with a legal matter. Because of inquiries I receive regularly on this topic I am providing some specific questions to ask attorneys before we hire them.

The key going into the discussion is this: be need to be prepared with specific questions to ask each attorney candidate – and ask the same questions of each attorney to gain a direct comparison between the candidates.

Procrastination and Seeking Legal Advice

Wed, 2016-10-19 14:09 -- tomjonez


OK, I was going to write this one a few weeks ago - but I kept putting it off…

And that can be a costly practice, especially if we need legal advice.  When we have a legal issue, no matter how small, it is smart for us to get a legal opinion early on.  Putting it off can result in bigger problems down the road – problems that could have been avoided if we had sought professional counsel early on.


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